Total PodCastrophe

Saturday, January 13, 2007

TPC026 - E 4 My Cat

Back after the seasonal break it's... TPC026-E4MyCat In memory of Iwao Takamoto (1925-2007). The Hobson's Choice Awards was recorded 3 days prior to his passing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the END for you my friend
The END of the world
END of the line

i love the phrase "same difference" could you use that?

1/13/2007 2:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The end
Elmers end

The njkny was on the table.

1/14/2007 2:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rainbow's END
Big END (as on a car)
Nub END (ciggarette)

1/21/2007 9:53 am  
Blogger cacophonyx said...

Good mornevernoon!

Ooh exciting.. are you getting one of those Fresnel lenses and everything? I think it was Engadget that showed you how to make your own projector. Coolio.

My ends are:


spend spend sp-end
g-end-er reassignm-end(?)

round the b-end
urban leg-end
will it bl-end

How did you do that groovy thing where you link the title to the MP3 without screwing up the title? I tried. I failed!

Love to all

c.c.x (or j :D)

1/26/2007 1:51 pm  
Blogger cacophonyx said...

P.S. Judy? Podcast? I'm almost at the end of my seats with excitement.

Please tell all soonest.

1/26/2007 1:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul, you are talking to yourself again. Todays random string is uevakkz - Pronounced you-eve-elle-ack-kez : this is a famous quote from that film kes, it roughly translates as 'good shot kes'. In a previous existence 'kes' was wombat called tarquin, some confuse tarquin with the otter from the film ring of bright water. Which annoys him somewhat since that film starred Mij a female otter.

2/08/2007 4:20 pm  

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