Total PodCastrophe

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

TPC022 - Desmond

In regular value size here is... TPC022-Desmond New features: First Impressions Last, Truth Testers, Verbal Seasoning. We trust you will enjoy.


Blogger GwynF said...

BEST. TITLE. EVAH! I was expecting two little ducks. Thanks guys, looking forward to it as always especially with the added newfeatury goodness.

10/25/2006 2:30 pm  
Blogger Random J said...

*lol* The whole "pants" talk had me laughing. Judy's laugh is so infectious! Her laughing set me off. *lol*

Great show!

10/25/2006 2:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ciaqff - to seek off

10/26/2006 2:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! that is a big scrabble score... But everyone said i did really well to get 87 points when i lost the other day...... Ah well, quixotory, thats a good word to rememer. i cant remember what the fill in the blank was, and if i go to check ill lose my place in this song, and i cant be bothered t listen all through it again. Ah well, ill find out in a bit, then put in my entries.

10/28/2006 8:50 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swipe--ME (with a wet kipper)

not on form with this one but absolutely hillarious show!!
More laundry again.

10/28/2006 9:34 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is really looking spiffy! Keep up the good work. BTW, #22 just about the right length. My Depends will only hold so much! Deebs

10/29/2006 8:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

?? I use firefox 2.0 i think, or i use the latest thing they told me to upgrade to, and ive had no problems, but there you go.....
I dont know if this has already been done, but i was watching it all last night
knowing ME knowing you with alan partridge AHA! (or kmkywap, a useful drain cleaner for short)
MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME- a phrase used many a time by me
One day ill be able to think of loads of fill in the blancs.

10/30/2006 3:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, my name is way too long. look, it doesnt even fit on the page.

10/30/2006 4:00 pm  
Blogger cacophonyx said...

Hello and cakes.

I've not even HEARD this yet, because I'm saving it up after a week in the middle of nowhere.

Here, in advance of my chuckling uncontrollably, are my offerings for the "fill in the blank":

Anatto me
Epito me
Givito me

Hold me
Thrill me
Kiss me
Kill me

Mum me
Dum me
Yum me
I've got love in my tum me

That'll do for now, I think.

My greatest ever scrabble score is about 34 and a half.

10/31/2006 2:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, a spitfire. i thought it was a lawnmower, no offence. ive never heard a spitfire though

11/05/2006 7:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

zptjonk - pronounced zee pee tea junk
The phrase was first used as an exclaimation at the mad hatters tea party. Roughly translated from gobbledegook it means "F**K that tea is disgusting, please can I have some more".

F**K me
You and me
What me?
Me me
Mini me

11/06/2006 4:32 am  
Blogger GwynF said...

The site is looking lovely, nice work Mr.H.

My only criticism would be that the U.S. looks slightly too big on the title icons. Maybe it's just a trick of the light ;)

11/06/2006 11:33 am  

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