Total PodCastrophe

Saturday, February 25, 2006

TPC005 - Hi Five

Our Fifth show, surprisingly. TPC005-HiFive Featuring more of the usual rubbish (with a few twists), plus Random Word, Note To Self, and more Olympic Updates.

Monday, February 20, 2006

TPC004 - Four Score

Our Fourth show. Hopefully worth the wait. TPC004-FourScore Featuring (in no particular order): Olympic Updates, 10 Second Suckfest, Fake Ads, Hobson's Choice Awards, BS Quiz, What's In My Pocket?, Boxers or Briefs.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

TPC003 - Three At Last

Our third show. Finally we count as a true podcast...yay! TPC003-ThreeAtLast Getting the hang of things, making improvements. Feedback is welcome at TotalPodCastrophe. Intended regular show length, 20 minutes, almost dead on. Featuring (in no particular order): 10 Second Suckfest, Fake Ad, Hobson's Choice Awards, BS Quiz, What's In My Pocket?, Heads or Tails.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

TPC002 - Back In The Day

Part Two of our Pilot Podcast(s): TPC002-BacKInTheDay Features: "Back In The Day" Taking a look back at a chosen year. Chitter Chat, banter, call it what you will. More easy going than Part One.